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Summer Mission in Macau

Kitty Ma: Team Leader

This has been my tenth year to lead a summer mission team to Macau. Our main mission is to assist our missionary in reaching out to the elementary and high school students through various activities and classes. We have had so much fun with the students and built such a rapport that no one wanted to go home at the end of the day.

Thank God for giving me opportunities to reach out to individuals as well as to people on the street. Thank God for giving me love and patience that have melted the heart of strangers who have become brothers and sisters in the Lord. Thank God for giving us courage to share the Good News in the famous Three Lamps District. Nothing is more exciting than to see people touched by the love and saving grace of God.

The population of Macau is about 450,000 yet less than 1% of the people know the Lord. It has been a blessing that in the past ten years I have had the opportunities to participate in the summer mission to Macau. It has made my summers all the more meaningful and fruitful.

Joseph Wong: Team Member

The Beijing Olympic is publicized as a dream for Chinese people for a hundred years. Dream is something we all have experienced. My wife and I have a habit to share with our 7-yearold daughter every morning if any of us dreamed the night before. This is the time we cherish much.

Overseas missions has always been a secret dream of mine. I have joined a few short-term missions to places like an Indian Reservation, Mexico, and Vietnam. But it was halted when my daughter was born.

Then opportunity arrived when CCM Macau short-term mission was announced in our church bulletin. The number one reason for joining was because my family could go as on unit. My wife, my daughter and I could all participate by teaching English, arts and crafts, science experiments and cooking classes. Reason number two was that I wanted my daughter to practice what she just learned in her Bible class about missionaries. My daughter was excited when I told her about going to Macau for a summer mission. I knew she was ready.

The economy of Macau has been rising since the casino business became the main revenue of the government. Money is fl owing into Macau; people are having higher standard of living. However, the social problems are also rising. Families are disintegrating despite a higher income. More young people are less interested in school. They are waiting to get into the well paid casino business once they are old enough. My eyes and heart were opened for missions as I saw the vast needs in Macau during this mission trip.

I was given opportunities to share my faith with people young and old. I thank God for allowing me to taste the joy of harvest.

Life returned to the same busy routine soon after we got back to US. We rush to work and school in the morning; we rush to get home after work. Yet in the midst of the rush culture, we still share our dreams as part of our morning talk in the car. And the one most shared dream is: we will be back to Macau as CCM summer missionaries in the near future.

Dickson Chu: Team Member

Thank God for preparing for me the time, the fi nance, the heart, the place and the love for children as I participated in the summer mission to Macau.

I was unemployed after graduation and was not prepared to join the short-term mission. But then I found a temporary job three months before the short-term mission. The job ended shortly before the short-term mission began. So I got both the money and the time to go.

During this short-term mission, we had opportunities to share our faith with the taxi driver, with people on the street and also with school children. Although I haven’t had much experience teaching kids, I was able to build friendship with the children in a short time. This shortterm mission opened my eyes to reach out to others beyond my comfort zone and helped me realize the importance of encouraging and loving others with the love of God.

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